
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Creation vs. Evolution Essay

Many different opinions have been make when it comes to w here did mankind come from? Who or maybe what created us? We all want to notice the answer to both of those questions and Im here to try to apologise it for you.There are two different types of believe systems on where we came from. virtuoso is creation where they believe we were created by a greater and smarter being who lives in heaven. Then there are the evolutionists who believe hat we came from atoms that exploded or aliens who created monkeys that evolved into humans.First turned the creationists believe that ab extinct six thousand years agone God created humans. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. contemporaries 11(NIV) See in the bible it says God created the heavens and the earth. At the time when God created the world He created a man named disco biscuit and a charwoman named Eve to rule over the garden. The Satan, the deceiver, came into the garden and tricked the woman into sinning. As a cause the man and woman were cast out of the garden and from then on sin has corrupted the world and made it what it is today. Creationists also believe that about four thousand years ago a photoflood covered the whole earth. For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they displace the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. Genesis 717-18(NIV). God created a rainbow by and by the flood as a covenant between Him and us that never again would a flood cover the whole world.Second off evolutionists believe that the world was created by a big bang or some atoms exploding in the atmosphere. So handsome much theyre say that the world just exploded and here we are today. Newtons law of motion says, Every object persists in its state of counterweight or uniform motion in a straight railroad unless it is compelled to change that state by blackmail impressed on i t. Which authority that if an object is rotate and it gets fit by a strong force than it will wobble out of its original course. What im getting at here is that if you have atoms spinning supper fast and it explodes than the objects that come off of it will be spinning the same way as the original object. So, if thats so than why are a couple of are planets not spinning the same way as the rest? And so evolutionists are pretty much saying that, In the beginning dust. By Jason YendellRecourseshttp//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2267227/ EMBO Rep. 2007 December 8(12) 11071109. http//www.clarku.edu/piltdown/map_intro/creationscience.html

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