
Monday, May 6, 2019

At the end of the play, Othello has agreed to the death of Cassio and Essay

At the end of the roleplay, Othello has agreed to the death of Cassio and has himself killed Desdemona. In 750 words, justify how iago has managed to lead othello to this position - Essay ExampleIago becharms Cassio which leads the latter into dishonoring himself and insists on Roderigo to murder him. In his attempt to visit Othello, Iago also convinces him of Desdemonas disloyalty and influences him into slaying his wife. Therefore, all through the play, Iago is involved in plotting his plans and maneuvering his revenge. Othello, by the end of the play, agrees to Iago to the death of Cassio age he himself kills Desdemona. It is mainly due to the intriguing plans of the character Iago that such tragic situations occur in the bread and butter of Othello. Iago manages to influence the separate characters of the play in his natural way and his wicked designs determine the destiny of the other characters.Over the several years in the office as ensign to Othello, Iago is has achiev ed the trust of the general to release his most faithful advisor. It is on the basis of this unquestionable trust that the character develops all his plans and he becomes triple-crown in persuading Othello to relegate Cassio and later to cause the downfall of the Major himself. An understanding of the plot of the play confirms how efficaciously Iago manipulates the other characters to believe and trust him completely and to play the roles in his revenge plot, as designed by him. Thus, he achieves the trust of his Major, and maneuvers Emily, his wife, to get hold of Desdemonas handkerchief which Othello had presented to her. Totally aware of Othellos tragic flaw, i.e. his jealousy, Iago manages to convince him that the handkerchief, the most treasured gift of Othello to Desdemona, was in Cassios possession. Iago then focuses on arousing Othellos jealous rage, and asks him to hide behind to listen to the conversation amongst Iago and Cassio. Iago also manages to make Othello beli eve that the lewd conversation between Iago and Cassio about the latters mistress, Bianca, was all about Desdemona. Therefore, Iagos supremacy is in the plot in which he manages to manipulate particulars to suit his purposes, and the resulting jealousy in the character Othello helps Iago to defy his revenge on Cassio and the Major himself. The influence of this character over the characters in the play, especially Othello, is evident from the fact that everything moves according to the plot of Iago and ultimately he is given the opportunity to take his revenge. The final scene of the play illustrates how effectively this character manipulated the other characters and the situation. Therefore, his plots to take his revenge succeed when Othello slays Desdemona who was in fact guiltless of the charges by Iago. Iago is able to change the identity of Othello thanks to his intriguing skill in manipulating facts, and this change of identity caused Othello to front the ultimate tragedie s of his life. In his ability to create the most effective situations for his plot, by misdirecting the other characters, Iago becomes successful in making a change in the identity of other characters, especially Othello. He is able to influence the identity and personality of other characters and is effective in completely altering the direction of the story by changing the other characters. Thus, it becomes clear that Iago, in the plays downward movement, employs his instrumental reason to influence Othello and

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