
Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Unhealthy Diet of College Students Essay -- Expository Research Es

The Unhealthy Diet of College Students state eat food every day with give away thinking twice closely it, because it is a necessity for us to live. How often do you think most what is in the foods that you eat? How m some(prenominal) calories does it arrest? Are there any vitamins and minerals in it? Is it high in fat? For most of us and particularly college students who live a busy life on the go, the answer to that motility is probably no. Since becoming a recent graduate of indium University of Pennsylvania Academy of Culinary Arts, I have been more concerned in food and what people are consume. Also since more unfledged Americans are becoming obese I want to find place what they are feeding and where. Going to college and seeing how students have poor take habits I want to find fall out why they are eating this way. Is it because they are away from home for the first time? Or is it because that is the exclusively food that is available for them? I to a faul t want to find out if students would eat healthier if it was provided for them? My hypothesis is that students eat unhealthy because it is more contented for them. There is usually no time to cook a homespun meal and most college students are always in a downfall so it is easier to pick up takeout. Also most college students dont know how to cook. I also believe that most college students dont care if the food is unhealthy for them, as long as it tastes good. Hopefully, in the following pages I will uncover the wide world of college eating. The enquiry methods that I used for this paper were surveys, interviews and observations. I performed a survey on ten college students in which I asked various yes and no questions and ones with various multiple-choice answers. Do you have a meal ... ...omething to go. I found out that college students want foods that are quick, taste good, and cheap. The limitation to my look was that I only passed out ten surveys all a t the cafeteria. maybe if I did more or passed them out at a assorted location I might have gotten different results. I also only interviewed two people, and a larger sample might have changed my results. Also only observing my roommates shopping might have express me to what I always eat, other college students might buy healthier foods when they shop. worry a minute now and think about what you eat in an average day and see if you fall into the categories of eating unhealthy with the mass of college students. Next time you buy something to eat take a southward and look whats in it and think to yourself. Should I be eating this? Or is there something healthier that I could be eating?

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